Slowly but surely, I’m getting my Prepping act together. I got my Ham general class license call sign KK7YQS (Yankee, Queen Sierra).
I have a Yeasu 991A able to use 80 meters – 6 meters, and also 2 meters – ¾ meters. By the way, I’m on 40 meter ham band in the afternoon, and I talk to a lot of hams in Calif.
I’ve also got six MeshTastic devices I’m giving out to my local friends, enabling grid free comms so I can communicate without the internet, or a HAM license.
With my HackRF software defined radio, I can listen to any frequency in the radio band.

As far as electric power is concerned, I have an EcoFlow Power Max solar generator and my workstation is totally off the grid.
My next project is to protect my equipment from EMP pulse by putting my equipment in a Faraday cage. With my USAF experience on EMP knowledge, I should have that taken care of before the shit hits the fan.
I’m also getting into making my own music. I have Ableton Live with Oxygen61 MIDI from M-Audio. I’ll need another month to learn it.
It’s nice not to report or go to work at some job, working for a slave driver, And doing what I darned well please.

As far as programming goes, I’m finding the App works just great for me.
I have a choice of a number of LLM’s (Large Language Models) to choose from, and can make iPhone, Android, MacOS, and Windows programs with a single code base using Flutter, and do it as fast as I can think about it.